Why You Need to Have a Wide Range of Job Experiences :: Award Staffing

What is our experience in doing this research?

    There's so much experience and knowledge that we gained when doing this research. Firstly, this is our first time experiencing an ongoing global pandemic COVID-19 which affect and change everything, this pandemic affect globally not only put the lives of people in risk but economically too, but that's not all, a lot of country was on lock down as the outbreak spread exponentially and a strict standard operating procedure(SOP) was executed to minimize the risk of pandemic to spread. It affect the way of our study as we always rely on physical class but now with the current pandemic, Unikl business school had to executed virtual learning which the lecturer will be teaching only through Microsoft Teams software, it does took a lot of times for us to actually adapt to the current changes. but still, this wont put us down even though there's a barriers to communicate with each other,  as we are always try to communicate with each other to ensure that our research will be done perfectly, not only that, with our new member joining our team, Richard, we have to use English language to communicate as Richard is a student from India, instead of communicating with Bahasa Malaysia, we had to change the way we are communicating with the new member joining in which is a good thing for us to enhanced our English proficiency. 

Why we choose Adoption of Cashless payment as our topic?

    The reason why we choose this topic is because it's the most interesting topic that are related with the current situation. Firstly, because its a method or routine that is required everyday in order to purchase things, before the outbreak most of us use physical payment as our transaction method to purchase goods, but during the pandemic a strict SOP were executed by our government which minimize our everyday movement, most business are closed, and only essential business were allowed to continue their business. when the store are closed, the business tend to find an alternative to generate money which they come up with online shopping, this trend has grow faster than ever. Also since all restaurant are closed, most people had to buy their meals online using food services such as Foodpanda, Grabfood and much more. this is where the idea ticks in our head in doing this research. Basically, even after the COVID-19, this is a good time to change the traditional way of payment because that's the safest possible decision everyone can newly adapt in the upcoming future for them and others safety, so everyone has to adapt to cashless payment to avoid physical contacts which is a good thing to practice.

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